Solutions & Subsidiaries

Gas Analytics & Solutions

Providing Clean and Affordable Cooking Gas Solutions

Welcome to Gas Analytics and Solutions Limited!​

At Gas Analytics and Solutions Limited, we are committed to revolutionizing the way households in Nigeria cook.

We understand the challenges faced by low-income families who rely on biomass and kerosene for cooking due to the high cost of LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) and the detrimental effects it has on their health and the environment.

Our mission is to provide universal access to clean cooking gas that is not only affordable but also accessible and readily available.

Our Innovation

Introducing Low Pressure Compressed Natural Gas (LPCNG)

Our innovative solution utilizes Low Pressure Compressed Natural Gas (LPCNG) cylinders to deliver natural gas directly to your doorstep. LPCNG offers a safe, reliable, and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional cooking fuels. By using LPCNG, you can enjoy the benefits of natural gas without the high costs associated with LPG, firewood, charcoal, and kerosene.

The Gas Analytics Advantage


We believe that access to clean cooking gas should not be a luxury. Our LPCNG solution is specifically designed to cater to low-income households, ensuring that everyone can afford a cleaner and healthier cooking option.


Gas Analytics distributors are assigned to each household, ensuring that gas deliveries are convenient and hassle-free. All yaou need to do is turn your stove on, and our distributors will handle the rest. We are committed to making clean cooking gas easily accessible to every corner of Nigeria.

Health and Environment

By switching to LPCNG, you contribute to improving your family’s health and protecting the environment. Biomass and kerosene emit harmful pollutants when burned, causing respiratory issues and contributing to deforestation. With LPCNG, you can cook with peace of mind, knowing that you are making a positive impact.

How to Get Started

Getting started with Gas Analytics is simple. Follow these easy steps:

Contact us​

Reach out to our customer service team to express your interest in switching to LPCNG. Our friendly representatives will guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have.


Our team will conduct a thorough assessment of your household’s requirements to determine the most suitable LPCNG solution for you. We consider factors such as cooking habits, family size, and budget to ensure a customized solution that meets your needs.


Once the assessment is complete, our technicians will install the necessary equipment and connect your stove to the LPCNG supply. We ensure a seamless installation process, prioritizing your safety and convenience.

Gas Delivery

Sit back, relax, and let our dedicated Gas Analytics distributors handle the gas delivery. They will regularly refill your LPCNG cylinders, ensuring you never run out of clean cooking gas.

Next Steps

Make the Switch Today!

Join the growing community of households that have embraced clean cooking with Gas Analytics. Say goodbye to the high costs and harmful effects of traditional cooking fuels. Experience the convenience, affordability, and environmental benefits of LPCNG.

Contact Gas Analytics and Solutions Limited today to start your journey towards a cleaner and healthier cooking experience. Together, we can make clean cooking gas universally accessible in Nigeria.


Note: It is essential to ensure compliance with all safety regulations and local guidelines when dealing with natural gas.